Tarot Readings

Karen's Blog
How will 2025 look for you?
Love & RelationshipsFamily, Career & Finances~ Any Question
Live Calls are set between:10Am-Noon & 6-8Pm MST
Astro Transits Available for the New Year Now
Karen Lustrup, Astrologer
Happy Holidays!

New Books are Out in Time for The Holidays!
Makes A
Perfect Gift for Parents
About Their Zodiac Toddlers
Typically asked questions...
Is He 'The One'?
What is He Feeling/Thinking?
What are His Intentions?
Where Are We Heading?
Will I meet a New Love Interest?
Should I Let Go of this Relationship?
What Can I Expect Now?
Future Partners/Soulmates
Marriage - Divorce - Break-Ups
Where is My Career Heading?
Will I Find a New Job?
Is there a Promotion Up Ahead?
Problems with My Co-Workers...
Will I be Successful?
How does my Financial Situation Look?
Will I Get a Raise?
How Can I Be More Successful?
... add your own questions

Let's Talk on Facebook!
Just give me a wave and a request, and I'll set you up with a time.
This will allow for deeper readings for you as you can ask your questions as we go along. Many times questions come as we touch on your original question as more insights are given and makes for a fuller read.
If you want a One-on-One, book it and simply Request a Phone Reading. If we go over time, we'll add that as we are live online Facebook with an additional PayPal, no problem! :)
By Default, the booking you make below are for RECORDED Readings.
$50/10 min - $75/15 min - $150/30min
Recorded Personal
Tarot Readings
10 Min. Reading

Mini readings are fun and a quick way to obtain a glance of forthcoming events. You may ask 1-2 questions on this reading. This is great for quick follow-ups from other readings you have had.
15 Min. Reading

10 Min. reading gives ample time to gain overview of that of what is coming. 2-3 questions allows us to go deeper into what information comes up. You may ask any question(s).
30 Min. Reading

15 Min. Audio Reading: Allow 3-4 questions. Love/Romance - Career & Finance - Family.. We explore deeper into what's up around your questions. You may alternatively choose just love or career.

30 Min. Reading: Any 5-6 questions. Longer and more in-depth reading. Relationship - Career & Finance - Family.. etc
You decide your questions - add it to the email.
Current Processing time for Audio Recorded Readings: 3-4 days
All audio readings are delivered to you by email.

36 Card Reading
Astro/Tarot Spread
10 Min Reading - $50 (Popular)

10 Min Audio - 36-Card walk-through
What can you expect now this month? This reading gives you a quick month to month highlights. It will cover; love, money, career and everything else that shows up! You may Personalize this reading to a 2wk or 1 month ahead reading - just let me know when you order. (Same fee, just different time frames)
No questions are needed from you on this read as the cards will reveal to you themselves from their very placements of what unexpected surprises lay ahead! If you have specific questions you want insights on - go for one of the above readings :)
Please email (lustrup@gmail.com) or add to Note on PayPal following data:
Name/Gender/ d.o.b. as in (month/day/year) along with the name/gender/d.o.b. of your partner or whom you may be interested in asking about.
This reading has a little bit of everything!
Popular Combo:
Psychic & Astrology Transits
Can't Decide Between getting a Tarot or Astrological Reading?
Buy a Combo
For this reading we need 30 minutes minimum and here we check the TAROT with all the questions you have and then also add a 3 month ASTROLOGICAL transit reading to also see what the planets have to say to you! This reading gives insights on a psychic level, all situations to come and the astrology part may will you timing guidelines.
Please also email me your d.o.b (month/day/year), name - gender, city/country for the astrological part of your reading!
All readings are Recorded personally for you and will be sent to your email whereupon you can listen directly and replay when desired.
Shop with PayPal's BILL ME LATER Option.
PayPal allows all purchases over $99 to be paid within 6 months.

30 Min. Audio - $150
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